Must Have Cage Items For A Happy Hamster

Author: Adam King

No matter what kind of cage you choose for your hamster, be it a wire cage, plastic cage, or an aquarium, there are certain things that you must put in the cage in order to keep you hamster happy and stress free. Hamsters are extremely susceptible to stress so it's important you do all you can to keep your hamster happy. Simple things like choosing the right kind of bedding and nesting material, adding a hamster wheel, and a few toys will make a huge difference to your hamster's quality of life.

Bedding material serves two purposes: as a soft cushion for your hamster to walk on, but also to soak up urine. Hamsters love to burrow and dig so make sure you place at least two inches of material on the bottom of your hamster cage. The most common material used for bedding material is wood shavings, but it's important that you NEVER use Cedar shavings. Cedar shavings contain a chemical that can cause serious illness in your hamster, so it's best to avoid it altogether. Pine shavings are an option, but have been shown to cause allergic reactions in some hamsters. Your best bet is bedding material made from Aspen shavings or litter made from wood pulp. Also try to avoid any scented products - it may smell great to you but your hamster's sensitive nose will not appreciate it.

You may think that simple cat litter would do, but the dust from the litter can cause respiratory issues for your hamster, and the tiny grains get caught in your hamster's feet causing irritation. Hamsters spend the entire day sleeping, so they like things comfy. They'll construct their nest out of whatever is available, including bedding material, but would prefer something a little softer. Shredded paper towel or bathroom tissue would be ideal, as long as it doesn't have dye and is unscented.

Although you may be tempted to supply your hamster with cotton for his nest this should be avoided at all times. The cotton strands can get wrapped around the hamster's limbs or neck, cutting off blood supply. Stick to bedding material or the shredded paper for nesting material.

Exercise wheels are a must have for your hamster cage. In the wild hamsters roam up to five miles every night in search of food, so whether they're in a cage or out in the desert they're going to feel the need to run! The most common hamster wheel that comes to mind is the wire frame wheel, with rungs laid across the length of the wheel. These can be very dangerous for your hamster, as a missed step can lead to the hamster putting his leg between the spokes while it's turning, thereby breaking his leg. The ideal choice is a hamster wheel with a solid base and entry holes instead of spokes. This greatly reduces the chance of injury for your hamster.

Although you can place a food dish in your hamster cage, it really isn't necessary. Hamsters love to forage for their food, so simply sprinkling their food throughout the bedding material in their cage will suit them just fine. In fact, if you do put food in a food dish they're likely to simply remove it and store it elsewhere anyway! As for water bottles, any water bottle designed for small animals should do just fine as long as the spout has a ball bearing at the end and a screw on top.

Consider adding extra toys to the cage to enrich your hamster's life, such as cardboard tubes, a wood gnaw, a sand box, a hamster house, etc. Your hamster will thank you for it!

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Visit the Hamster-Zone website for even more detailed information on hamster care, hamster diet, hamster cages, and much, much more. Learn important tips on how to keep your hamster healthy and happy, including proper diet, care, and cage enrichment.

Bad Dogs? by Debbie Foster

There is no such thing as a bad dog because usually the problem is with the owner. When you are taking a walk down a sidewalk, it is indeed disturbing when a dog grabs at your clean clothes. This can also happen when the dog next door leaves his tell tale marks on your front yard. Are these are bad dogs? Perhaps, but they are only as bad as the kids next door who have never been given a good upbringing. There is nothing else to expect from pets and children other than undisciplined behavior when the adults in charge are irresponsible.

The dog needs to be given pre-set behavioral limits when inside or when it is taken to public places. Ask any good owner and he would admit that taking the help of a dog trainer is the best way to understanding dog handling without hampering his spirits. You can ask at the vet's office or local pet stores for names of trainers who hold private or group sessions with the pet and owner; or you could instantly access an online course and nip any behavioral problems in the bud right away.

Most training programs include lessons where owners are taught how to control their pets. Many times trainers comment that dogs are easier to train than their owners. Dogs need to practice walking with a leash when they are taken out and for this they need to walk around in a yard or any other area. Barking is often a behavior that distresses owners and neighbors. It is important to remember that shouting or punishing them for barking usually has the opposite effect since this is the only way they can speak to us.

So why does a dog bark? Well, just like a young child or baby, it needs attention, food or something to drink. Completely suppressing a dog from barking will not help when trying to prevent a burglar from entering your property! It is wrong to encourage a puppy to bark and then punish him for barking when he attains adulthood.

Trainers can help teach you how to reinforce behavior that you desire with both praise and treats. You should reward your pet for good behavior then they will know exactly what they should not do in the future. Remember that you can not coach a dog to adapt to certain behaviors which are not part of his genetic make-up. In case you want certain particular behaviors, buy one which has that as part of the breeds make-up. Dedication, patience and a loving attitude are needed if you wish to train a dog.

About the Author

An animal advocate, Debbie Foster owns where you'll find a wide selection of quality pet beds, dog crates, dog carriers, dog pens, cat beds, cat carriers, large dog beds, pet strollers and more.

Guide To Buying An Aquarium

By: David Beart

Buying an aquarium is a commitment which should be approached with careful thought and consideration. While aquarium keeping is considered to be an enjoyable hobby by many, it is always best to purchase the largest tank you can afford when you first begin. This will help you to avoid the need to upgrade later on; after your fish have already been established. Keep in mind, when purchasing an aquarium that you will also need the correct equipment to go along with the actual tank including a heater, filter and lighting to correspond with the size tank you purchase. A sufficiently large tank is necessary as your fish will be happier and healthier when they have adequate room to exercise.

Today, many different shape and height of tanks are available, so some thought will need to be given to this as well. Ideally, it is best not to purchase a tank that is deeper than your arm length or you could face difficult maintenance issues. Generally speaking, standard rectangle and bow-fronted aquariums are more suitable as these types of tanks provide the largest surface area in relation to their volume. As a result they provide maximum length for your fish to swim and exercise in. While tall column tanks can be visually interesting, they do make maintenance difficult. In addition, due to the small surface area, in the event of a power shortage, your fish can suffocate. Other options include cylindrical and spherical tanks; however, these types of tanks tend to distort the fish for viewing.

After you have determine the size and shape of tank you prefer, it is time to do some shopping around. While shopping, you will find there are three basic types of aquariums available. These are basic glass tanks, complete set-up tanks and systemized aquariums. Each has advantages and disadvantages.

A basic glass tank is an all-glass tank that is in a word-basic. When purchasing this type of tank you must keep in mind that you will need to purchase everything else needed to complete a fully functioning aquarium separate. This means purchasing the filtration, lighting, thermometer, hood, stand, test kits, heater and more separate. Purchasing these items separately can be more expensive than purchasing a complete set-up; however, it does allow you to purchase exactly what you want.

With a complete-set up aquarium, the tank comes with a hood and some equipment and accessories. When purchased this way, you usually get a break on the individual prices. This can be a good option if you are unsure about what you will need when you first start out. Perhaps the only disadvantage is that because the items come together you will not be able to purchase exactly what you want, regardless of manufacturer. In addition, do not allow the term ‘complete set-up’ fool you. You may still need other items such as cleaning equipment, background paper and test kits; which must be purchased separately.

A systemized aquarium has the lighting and filtration already fitted into the tank by the manufacturer. This can take the hassle out of selecting and fitting the equipment; however, if you want to use different equipment or even if you want to upgrade in the future, the process is not that simple. Therefore, you should make sure that the system you choose is appropriate for the type of fish you want to keep when you purchase it. For example, some systemized aquariums are better suited for planted tanks and tropical fish.

Regardless of which type of aquarium you choose to purchase, it is important to position your tank where it will be easy to view as well as maintain. It should also be positioned in a location that is near an electric outlet. Try to avoid locations near natural sunlight as this can increase the water temperature as well as doors, which may be loud and distress your fish. Finally, avoid placing your tank near areas close to radiators and fireplaces as this can result in excess heat as well.

By giving proper thought and consideration to the type of tank that will best suit your needs and the needs of your fish for some time to come you can be sure you and your fish will enjoy your new aquarium for a long time.

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David Beart is the owner of , our site covers pets, family issues and relationships

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